Update multiple database columns using PDO
Updating and inserting large sets of data into a database (mySQL etc) can be very tedious when the data is linked explicitly to a column name, especially when there are lots of fields.
The below codebyte is a very simple way, using PDO, of assigning and binding your column names to data that is to added or updated.
One typical example is handling a large user form, where easily 10 or more form fields will need to be inserted into the database. With this codebyte you simply just use the $data
array to layout and bind the column name to the variable containing corresponding data.
Just replace the $conn
variable with the variable of your PDO connection, and the table_name
with the table you’d like to update.
$data = array(
// Just Examples:
// 'column name' => 'value',
'username' => $username,
'first_name' => $first_name,
'last_name' => $last_name,
'sign_up_date' => time()
function buildBindedQuery($fields){
$lastField = key($fields);
$bindString = ' ';
foreach($fields as $field => $data){
$bindString .= $field . '=:' . $field;
$bindString .= ($field === $lastField ? ' ' : ',');
return $bindString;
$query = "INSERT INTO table_name SET" . buildBindedQuery($data);
// Replace $conn with the variable of your PDO connection
$result = $conn->prepare($query);